As announced by Team Secret director Kemal Sadikoglu, former Evil Geniuses players Artour “Arteezy” Babaev and Saahil “UNiVeRsE” Arora have officially registered for the Manila Major as part of the team. They will be replacing Aliwi “w33” Omar and Rasmus “MiSeRy” Filipsen, who were removed from the team yesterday. This was met with surprise and shock across the Dota 2 community, mostly due to the fact that a Team Secret roster change after winning the Shanghai Major was rather unexpected.
I would like to announce that @Arteezy and @UniverseDota will be joining Team Secret.
— Kemal Sadikoglu (@ksadikoglu) March 23, 2016
This marks the second time that Arteezy will be a member of Team Secret, the first being in 2015 when he was a part of their roster at TI5. During this time, he won several high-profile LANs with the team, and they were expected to place high at TI5, if not win the whole tournament. Unfortunately, they were not able to live up to such expectations in the end. UNiVeRsE is a completely new addition to the squad, and although his chemistry with the rest of Team Secret has yet to be tested, his skill as an offlaner is definitely renowned across the world.
In the wake of this news, there were also some rumors saying that Syed Sumail “Suma1L” Hassan and Clinton “Fear” Loomis have also left EG. The very same rumors have pointed to North American team Digital Chaos as their home for the spring roster lock, though these rumors have yet to be confirmed as of the time of writing. No official announcement has come from the side of EG at this point.
With three days remaining before the roster lock, w33 and MiSeRy have only so much time to find new teams. Should the rumors regarding Suma1L and Fear be true as well, then the current EG roster will have no one but team captain Peter “Ppd” Dager in its list of active players. We can only wonder from here what the western scene will look like after the dust settles on the spring shuffle.